domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

WEEK 5 (15.11.12)

Today we have started the class with a microteaching session. The class was about hot food and I think they have done it really well. Afterwards, we had talked about Communicative tasks and we had made an exercise about the US Elections in order to learn how to plan an English session. To do so, the teacher had hand us in a paper with a chart, which I think it will be very useful to take into account all the different aspects in a session such as, the objectives, the basic competence that we want to work, the order of the different tasks and activities, etc.

This week I have added to my symbaloo two new dictionaries, a Catalan and Spanish one because I think that we will have to use it some day in our classes as we do not know everything about English, especially some vocabulary.

miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

WEEK 4 (08.11.12)

This Thurday, the class has had two parts. In the first one, we have profit to ask our dobuts about Symbaloo. We have learnt how to share with all the class our PLEs in order to know more about the others' tiles and links. I think its a good way to know more resources in English. Furthermore, we have visited the blog of the subject and we already have the first entry, which is about the classroom layouts presented last week. In the same way, Carme has asked to us to share a video related to any issue of the subject -my group is already thinking about it!-. 

In the second part of the subject, we have met Isabel Civera. She has shown us some examples of CLIL in order to begin to have an idea for the one that we have to prepare. 

Finally, this week I have added to my PLE the link of PBS Frontline, which is a station which works on documentary series since 1983. I have decided to add this tile because we watched a documentary called 'A class divided' which I found really interesting.

sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

WEEK 3 (25.10.12)

We have started the lesson today by presenting our personal class layouts to all the class. I think that this exercise, although it seemed very easy at first appearance it was not. Personally, the fact to discuss with my partners what would be the best class layout, made realize how a important it is and how 'wrong'-distributed was my high school class. The next image corresponds to our classroom layout: 

Furthermore, this week I have added two new tiles: one for word reference online dictionary and the other one, thesaurus which is for synonims and antonyms. 

WEEK 2 (18.10.12)

This session of Didàctica de l’Anglès has been a bit stressful because of the new informatic tools presented (for example, Prezzi). Until this session, I thought I was well aware of new technologies. I am going to explain myself. Although Symbaloo has not presented any problem for me, I was not sure whether I would be able to make the most of it.

This week I have decided to create two different PLE's in Symbaloo. By doing this, I will be able to use my personal Symbaloo for the particular lessons that I give to some children and therefore, to add as many tiles as I need in order to present them resources, videos, etc which can be interesting for each of the lessons.

Furthermore, I have added a new blog called 'blog para aprender inglés' that it may be very useful both to improve our own English and to teach to our future students.

WEEK 1 (11.10.12)

The first impression about this first session of Didàctica de l'anglès has been very positive. Although we have defined many terms as CLIL, PLE... which I am not really sure whether I have understood well or not, this evening I have created my session on Symbaloo. This first step has not involved any problem for me. My first idea is to separate the different tiles of Symbaloo according to 3 subject matters: one the one hand, to set all the dictionaries on one corner; on the other hand, all the visual resources in a another corner (for example, you tube, teacher's tube...) and finally my personal tools (in essence, google docs, the UB's moodle...). 

While I was in the process of creation of my PLE, I thought how useful Symbaloo would have been during my degree because I had to make many presentations for different subjects and therefore, I could have saved some of these presentations without the necessity of bringing a pen-drive (which sometimes did not work properly). However, as there is no point on thinking about the past, when I become a teacher, I will make a good use of Symbaloo because it is a good way of storing and sharing webpages, materials, etc to use them in class.