sábado, 10 de noviembre de 2012

WEEK 2 (18.10.12)

This session of Didàctica de l’Anglès has been a bit stressful because of the new informatic tools presented (for example, Prezzi). Until this session, I thought I was well aware of new technologies. I am going to explain myself. Although Symbaloo has not presented any problem for me, I was not sure whether I would be able to make the most of it.

This week I have decided to create two different PLE's in Symbaloo. By doing this, I will be able to use my personal Symbaloo for the particular lessons that I give to some children and therefore, to add as many tiles as I need in order to present them resources, videos, etc which can be interesting for each of the lessons.

Furthermore, I have added a new blog called 'blog para aprender inglés' that it may be very useful both to improve our own English and to teach to our future students.

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